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Time Management Skills Time Management Skils - What Time Management Skills do you need to help you feel like you have more hours in the day? We believe there are 4 core time management skills you need to develop. These skills are like a foundation. There are other tools and techniques that you will use depending on your personal style and preferences. We strongly advocate that you need to create your ouw system or structure that suits YOU. What is best for you may be very different from what suits your friend, your boss or your parents! Here are What we believe are the 4 core time management skills: 1. A mindset of Self-Management not Time Management 2. Use a structure 3. Whole in ONE 4. Use a trigger Interesting, I hear you say (well that is what most people tell me when I list these core skills.) And then they ask what do these have to do with time management? Great question. Let's look in some detail as to how these skills help you create more time. 1. A Mindset of Self-Management The term Time management allows us to think that we manage time -- BUT time cant be managed! The typical mindset on Time Management is about applying techniques and tips things outside of you. But the first step you must take is to realise you have to manage yourself (self-management) for any approach to work. Time is! It just is! 24 hours a day. 1400+ minutes every day. The key to creating an extra hour a day is changing your mindset to SELF-MANAGEMENT! Without self-management there is no such thing as time management skills. What is self-management? Mark Victor Hansen in the book One Minute Millionaire says it is accepting responsibility and not laying blame. I believe self-management is about acknowledging we are responsible for our lives. It is your choices that have created your life. Not your boss or your parents or the government or anything else. Yes, those things have an impact, but how you choose to see the circumstances, how you choose to interpret and respond will determine your life. This is scary and exciting. It can be scary to think about being totally responsible for your life but this means that you can choose to take control and create what you want in the future. To create and extra hour a day you need to start by adopting a mindset of self-management where you accept responsibility for your life totally. Then you can start to see new options and opportunities that will create more time. Time Management Skill Number 1 -- Create a Mindset of Self-Management. Actions: In the next 24 hours. * Reflect on what you have blamed on others/circumstances in the last week and look for how you contributed to the situation * Clarify your goals and values. Are you really clear about what they are and why you want them? Remember to check out the rest core skills to improve time management. More great Time Management Information Lots more time management tools, tips and resources to help you save time Time Management Quotes -- Time Management quotes that inspire. Famous people on time. Quotes about time that make you laugh. Even more Time Management Quotes -- Needs a quote for your site, article or book. Look through our pages of time management quotes Time Management Articles -- A comprehensive library of time management articles with information that really saves you time. Time Management Books -- Reviews of time management books to save you time working out which books you should read. | | |
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