Time Management Resources

A Definition of Time Management that might surprise you! 

Definition of Time Management
What is Time Management really?

We have a definition of time management that is different to many others. Have you ever really asked yourself What is time management? Does it work? Can you really find more time?
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What if there was No such thing as time management!

Does this mean all the courses and diary systems are no good? Not at all. They are very useful and you will learn how they fit in as you go through this site. But first there is a mind-shift you need to take.

Time is! It just is! 24 hours a day. 1400+ minutes every day.

Time management allows us to think that we manage time -- BUT time can’t be managed! The typical definition of Time Management is about applying techniques and tips – things outside of you. But there is a step you must take first.

Time Management is NOT about managing time.

The key to creating an extra hour a day is changing your mindset to SELF-MANAGEMENT!

What is self-management? Mark Victor Hansen in the book One Minute Millionaire says it is “accepting responsibility and not laying blame.”

I believe self-management is about acknowledging we are responsible for our lives. It is your choices that have created your life. Not your boss or your parents or the government or anything else. Yes, those things have an impact, but how you choose to see the circumstances, how you choose to interpret and respond determine your life.

This is scary and exciting. It can be scary to think about being totally responsible for your life – but this means that you can choose to take control and create what you want in the future.

To get control of your time you need to adopt a mindset of self-management where you accept responsibility for your life, totally. Then you can start to see new options and opportunities that will create more time.

Remember - Not time management but Self Management.

So, our definition of time management is:

Managing yourself to get your specific task done in the time you allocated.

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An overview of what is time management and what it is not, benefits of time    management and some time management quotes from famous people.

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A tale of two lives. One life that has good time management and one that does not. See the huge difference time management can make in your life.

More Time Management Resources
We have lots more time management tools, tips and resources to help you save time

Time Management Forms -- Download forms that will help you save you time.

Time Management Planners -- A short summary of leading planners to help you decide what is best for you.

Recognizing the importance of time management

Time Management Quotes

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