Time Management Resources

Time Management Expert

Michael Erwin

The Michael Erwin Story time management expert Michael Erwin

Who is Michael Erwin? Actually I am a very normal guy who has had a varied and indirect path to becoming a coach who helps people find more time. Somewhere along this path I become passionate about helping people find time. I feel this came from hearing so many people complain about having no time or always saying they are busy.

Initially hearing this annoyed me, then frustrated me and then is saddened me. I felt the desperation of so many people deep down inside. I stepped back from the day-to-day world and all I could see was rushing and busy-ness. A voice inside my head said it's getting worse!.

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As I feel into (or perhaps I was guided to) time creation coaching I found I was good at helping people find time. My clients were able to reduce their working hours by between 5 and 20 hours a week, and still achieve their key goals at work. Some clients increased productivity by as much as 50%. Others reduced their stress from 9/10 to 3 out of 10.

There is something extremely satisfying when you help people make these changes. I love the work I do. When clients say I have my life back I feel warm inside from my toes to the tip of my head.

Yet I was still frustrated. Frustrated that many people said they needed my help, but they never found the time to get started. Frustrated that almost every person I speak to says there are so many people that need that but I have limited to how many people I can coach one-on-one or in small groups.

It became time to think big and find a way to offer my knowledge and experience so I could help as many people as possible.

Time-Management-Central.net and Life-Time Mastery are the outcomes. Time management central is full of content on time management and most of it is f r e e. For me this means that anyone who is determined enough can use all the information on the site to make massive changes in their life. The free e-books, downloads, videos and courses have all the information you need to significantly improve your time management. You can create life mastery through time mastery.

I also understand that most people do not have the time and inclination to go through all the free material to find what works for them. This is where the Life-Time Mastery and the soon to be released do-it-yourself DIY-timecoach and Intuitive Time Mastery programs, are available for minimal costs and designed to guide you through the process of improving your time management so you can make time for the really important things in your life.

Getting to know Michael I am 43 years old, married to my beautiful wife for 18 years now. We have two fantastic kids Tom, who is 11 and Emma who is 13. Our dog dolly is a labradoodle and was named after dolly the cloned sheep because her coat looks like a sheep (yes we have her shorn every few months!)

We live in beautiful Melbourne, Australia, where we enjoy fabulous weather (though we need some rain as we are in a severe drought right now).

I am a sports fanatic. I love Australian Rules Football. I played the game for 15 years including a brief career at the highest professional level with the Collingwood Magpies. I also follow cricket, basketball and the NFL. If there is a major sporting event I am interested.

I feel it is very important to keep healthy. I run three times a week and eat mostly health food. Lots of fruit and vegetables. Wheat and dairy don't agree with me so I avoid them as much as I can. I have run 8 half marathons - one a year for the last eight years.

Michael Erwin's CV
Michael Erwin's One Page Profile

Here are some of Michael Erwin's time management articles:
Core time management skills
Time Management Planners -- A short summary of leading planners to help you decide what is best for you.

Time Management Resources
Lots more time management tools to save you stress and time at work

Job Burnout -- How to avoid getting burnt out at work.

Time Management Forms -- Download forms that will help you save you time.

Time Management Videos -- Free video presentations on time management.

More great Time Management Information
More time management resources to help you save time

Time Management Quotes -- Time Management quotes that inspire. Famous people on time. Quotes about time that make you laugh.

Time Management Activities -- Activities that help you get things done.

Time Management Articles -- A comprehensive library of time management articles with information that really saves you time.

Time Management Books -- Reviews of time management books to save you time working out which books you should read.

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