Time Management Resources

Learning Time Management Skills

How executive coaching improves time management

Learning time management skills -

One question we get asked all the time is "what is the best way of learning time management skills so you really USE them rather than just know about them?"
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This is a great question because there are so many people out there who know a lot about time management techniques and system, but they do not use them.

The simple answer is to find some one who will hold you accountable is a positive, supportive, non-critical way. I call these people your accountability coach. They don't need to be an Executive coach or life coach, although our clients tell us that working with a professional coach gets much better results.

You see when your colleague or your friend is your accountability coach they can be too soft on you OR they try to tell you what you should and then this can lead to uncomfortable conflict. This is not something most relationships need.

Let's get back to learning time management skills and why coaching is so effective.

Effective time management is more about jumping the knowing to doing gap. Learning time management skills is important, but most people know what to do - they just don't do it at all or don't do it consistently for any period of time. A training course is fantastic to remind you of time management strategies, maybe you will get a few new time management tips. You are enthusiastic and keen to implement what you have learned.

You get back to work and with the idea of implementing the ideas -- BUT -- you have 100s of emails and phone messages. OR you start but get interrupted. Or you use the system for a day or a week, but some parts of the system don't seem to work for you or you don't really understand them now that you have DO them.

And the time management training course is long finished, there is no-one to support to USE the system.

This is where coaching comes in. Your coach is there is to support you as you are learning time management skills and implementing your time management system. Your coach helps you tailor the system to suit YOU, without letting you stop using the system at all. Your coach helps you work through the things that get in the way like interruptions and emails. Your coach then helps realise that these blocks will get worse if you do not use a time management system.

When you don't have a time management system you are causing yourself PAIN. The pain of being under time pressure, feeling out of control, being overloaded and this means high stress. Just learning time management skills is not enough. You need to USE them.

We would like to ease your pain -- the pain from being constantly time poor, busy, stressed and time pressured.


One client recently said "My kids now treat me differently at home. They involve me in their games and they talk to me about school." When you are "NOT THERE" the most important people in your life, your family and friends, notice the most. And they suffer the most too.

What results do you get from time management coaching?

Read some of our client stories.

Time Management Resources
Lots more time management tools to save you stress and time at work

Time Management Videos -- Free video presentations on time management..

Time Management Forms -- Download forms that will help you save you time.

Time Management Planners -- A short summary of leading planners to help you decide what is best for you.

More great Time Management Information
More time management resources to help you save time

Time Management Quotes -- Time Management quotes that inspire. Famous people on time. Quotes about time that make you laugh.

Time Management Activities -- Activities that help you get things done.

Time Management Articles -- A comprehensive library of time management articles with information that really saves you time.

Time Management Books -- Reviews of time management books to save you time working out which books you should read.

learning time management skills

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