5 ways to Stop Procrastinating
How to overcome procrastination and get things done!
5 ways to stop procrastinating
We all procrastinate at times. You put off a task. You delay starting a project. You avoid making the call. You check your email instead of dealing with the poor performance of a team member. You choose to do the enjoyable task rather than the high priority challenging task that takes you out of your comfort zone.
Don't worry, it's normal. It is part of being human. We naturally seek comfort. But staying in your comfort zone dooms you to failure.
So we can all benefit from knowing how to stop procrastinating. You can break through and take action where you have been procrastinating.
Here are 5 suggestion on how to stop procrastinating.
- Find a small part of the task you can do right now
- Identify the emotion associated with doing it
- Finish an incomplete
- Delete it and move on.
- Face your fears and the risks head-on.
Take this time management quiz and see how you rate on procrastination
OK, now let's go through each of these suggestions.
1. Find a small part of the you can do right now.
Look at the the task your are procrastinating on. Write down every step involved in completing the task. Look over the list and find one that you can do right now. Do it. You have just moved forward with this task. No longer is there inertia -- now you have momentum. And momentum means that is it much easier to overcome procrastination.
2. Identify the emotional benefit of doing the task
Take a moment to close your eyes and picture completing that task. How would that feel? What is the specific emotion you will feel when the task is complete. Really feel it. Write the word and describe it. Now (with your eyes open) keep that feeling with you and start the task. You will find that the emotion helps you stop procrastinating.
3. Finish an incomplete
Most of us have many things that we have started but not completed. Often these are task we procrastinate on. And then your procrastination habits builds. List all the incomplete tasks you can think of. Complete at least one of them. Now you are building your action and finishing habit.
4. Delete it and move on
Another way to look at the tasks you might be procrastinating about is to as yourself, 'are they really worth doing?' If not, delete them from your time management system, your to-do list and your head. You have just stopped procrastinating because there is no task.
5. Face your fears and the risks head-on.
Procrastination is basically avoidance. What are you avoiding? Name it. Acknowledge it. Say out loud "I want to avoid ...." Once you face it, name it and acknowledge it your fear reduces significantly and you have a much better chance to take action.
Suggested Activity: Time Management Quiz
Try the time management quiz and see how your rate on procrastination and other time management skills.
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