Time Management Resources

Time Management Tips

Time Management Tips road-tested and reviewed

Time Management tips

What would you do with an extra hour a day?

There are millions of time management tips available for us today. On the net, in books, articles and courses. But how do you know what will work for you? The feedback we get about the information out there is that it comes across like “my way is the right way, the only way.”
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From 20 years of business experience and 5 years of helping people create more time I can tell you that is just not true. There is no ONE way that is right for everyone. Not even most people. In fact I haven't even found one program that is 100% right for one person.

What does all this mean? It means that YOU need to find the time management tips, techniques, ideas and create you own system that gives you more time. Time Management Central is designed to provide you with a broad range of information that we know works (because we have clients who have done it) so that you can find what will work for YOU.

Below are some of the time management tips we have seen people use to improve time management. You can also check out our time saving tips.

Firstly we recommend you fully understand and use the 4 core skills. These are skills or concepts rather than rigid structures, so you can apply them to whatever your personal style is.

The 4 core skills

1. A mindset of Self-Management not Time Management
2. Use a structure
3. Whole in ONE
4. Use a trigger

Learn more about the 4 core skills

Our readers and clients have given us feedback on the time management tips that help them save (or create) time. Here are some of the time management tips that seem to have the greatest impact:

  • Know what is important to you
  • Allow time for interruptions
  • Ask Yourself "What is the best use of my time right now?"
  • Take regular breaks

Know what is important to you

I am always amazed how people don't know what is important in their role at work or in their life overall. To use your time well it is critical to clearly know what is important.

At work you need to know how you will be measured (e.g. KPIs) AND what tasks and behaviors have the biggest impact.

In your life you need to be clear about what is most important to you -- essentially your values.

When you are clear about these things it is much easier to make sure you are spending time in the right areas. Today it is possible to be "busy" 24 hours a day 7 days a week. To get control of your life you need to get control of your time. And to do that you need to make decisions about what to do AND what NOT to do based on what is important to YOU.

Allow time for interruptions

Most people most days get interrupted. The more people and/or projects you manage the more interruptions you get. Yet most people do not allow time for these interruptions. And so at the end of the day or the week you feel like you didn't get enough done.

Allow time for interruptions. Estimate what percentage of your day or week is filled by interruptions and accept that. Then you will have a much more realistic view of what you can get done with the remaining time.

"Should I eliminate the interruptions?" I hear you say. Perhaps. It is unlikely you will be able to be "interruption free". There maybe some interruptions that can be reduced. More about this coming soon.

Ask Yourself "What is the best use of my time right now?"

I first heard this time management tip from Brian Tracy. I use it and so do our readers and clients. It is simple yet so powerful. Before you start anything that will take more than 15 minutes, ask yourself the question, "What is the best use of my time right now?"

The big benefit from asking this is that you are much less likely to get caught reacting to things that are not important. If you don't ask the question, then you can roll from one task to the next being busy, but not getting anything done.

To be effective it is vital that you protect blocks of tie for you do your high impact important task (which includes thanking, being creative and so on). We constantly find that people who feel they have no time do not keep any time clear for themselves.

A good starting point to implement this time management tip is to set-aside 1-2 hours each day for your important, high priority tasks. Nothing else can be scheduled for this time. Interruptions can wait until you are finished. One or two hours is not that long -- and you'd be amazed how many urgent matters become manageable in that hour your are not available.

This applies to requests from your boss and clients too. Let them know (preferably through a colleague) that you will get back to them when your meeting (with yourself) has finished.

Take regular breaks

This is a tip that really works for me and that many people have told has a much greater impact than they thought it would. Low energy means low effectiveness mentally and phyisically. Breaks help keep your energy high.

Take a break every 90 minutes (no longer). It might be only 5 minutes, but it makes a big difference. Get up, move around. Get some fresh air. Get some water (not too much tea or coffee). Always take a lunch break away from your desk.

You can take this further by monitoring your energy levels and working out what is the ideal time between breaks for you. You could even identify what tasks, people, food and drink give you energy or drain your energy.

Managing your time is also one of the best tips for reducing stress.


We will soon have more time management tips that our clients have found very effective:

Just some of these tips are:

Apply the 80-20 rule to everything.
Determine your capacity and stop overloading yourself.
How to get clear on what is important to you -- your Values.
How to say NO!
Come back soon to get more great time management tips.

More great Time Management Resources
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Time Management Quotes -- Time Management quotes that inspire. Famous people on time. Quotes about time that make you laugh.

Even more Time Management Quotes -- Needs a quote for your site, article or book. Look through our pages of time management quotes

Time Management Articles -- A comprehensive library of time management articles with information that really saves you time.

Time Management Books -- Reviews of time management books to save you time working out which books you should read.

Time Management Tips

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